Thursday, December 6, 2007

Black and Whites 7" / New Sampler

Ok so I got in the Black and Whites 7"s. They look great. Most of them look grey and a handful if green ones. I am still waiting on the silkscreened cover and should have them sometime next week. Im hoping to get the all sent out next week. We are sold out, but P.Trash will have their copies in a few weeks. The Band will also have a stack soon.

We got the new sampler done. Ran out of the old ones half way thru packaging up the Black and whites we have . So some will get the new one some will get the old. Any items sold get a free sampler. Or stop by the Philly Punk rock Flee Market on Dec 16th and grab one at our table. List Changed a bit heres the new track listing.

1. Digital Leather - Closed My Eyes
2. Nazi Death Camp - Baby I'm A Alcoholic
3. Terror Visions - Medicating Dreams
4. Blowtops - The Brainshaker
5. Black Sunday - Rat Tunnel (Demo)
6. The Black and Whites - You Broke My Heart Girl
7.Doctor Scientist - Trainwreck
8. Statues - Nerve Damage
9.El Diablos Bloncos - Lil Fuck Machine
10. Sudden Walks - She Keeps Me Depraved
11. Black Bug - Run
12. Lunch With Beardo - They Ate Wonders of the World

Looking like Blowtops 7" will be next.........

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